Friday, February 17, 2017

W. C. Fields and D. J. Trump share a philosophy

I woke up this morning and turned on my tv to see the main headlines in national news. Every station had Trumps Press Conference replayed from yesterday and running commentary coverage. The Republican party will never admit that Trump is psychologically unfit for the position of President. Most of the middle American Republican voters I personally know(some family) explain Trump as new to the political process and inexperienced and deserves time to catch up and learn the job, while a few others(family members) simply change the subject and won't comment, trying to walk away so they can remain blissfully ignorant of the unhinged antics of the man they voted into the office of President. My husband thinks it's inconceivable that anyone cannot see that Trump is unqualified for the job. I reminded him of the sage advice from W.C. Fields who said,

 "You can fool some of the people some of the time--and that's just enough to make a decent living."

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