Thursday, February 16, 2017

"Alternative Facts Fatigue"

I am exhausted today, more everyday, ever since Trump took office. Everyday this man spews more White House bullshit out on the American public than Mt. Vesuvius spewed ash onto the city of Pompeii. Has there ever been a time in American history when the Presidential politics of this nation was in more chaos? I am going to self-diagnose, (since I know myself better than anyone else) and say I think I am suffering from Trump's "Alternative Facts Fatigue". I wonder if Dr. Allen Frances has a chapter for this in his "bible of psychiatry"? I think I have the cure for it though... impeach this neurotic dictator!!! Quick!!!,... while I still have a semblance of my own sanity left. 

Frances cautions that the newest edition of the "bible of psychiatry," the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5), is turning our current diagnostic inflation into hyperinflation by converting millions of "normal" people into "mental patients." (Amazon Book Review)

Lord, help us!!! So here's a tasty little soup for your soul to dip your hot and fresh Focaccia bread in to revive your sagging spirit, renew your troubled mind and fill your empty tummy when you feel exhausted from the cares of life today!

                       Granny Annie's Politic Cafe Vegetable Chicken Soup

1 lb. of chopped white chicken meat
1 chopped medium yellow onion
 2 quarts of chicken stock
1 tblsp. of minced garlic
1 tblsp of Mediterranean Sea salt
1 tblsp. coarse ground pepper
1 cup of matchstick carrots
1 cup of mixed frozen vegetables
1 cup of frozen broccoli florets
1 bay leaf
1 tblsp. of dried parsley
1 /2 cup of butter

Take a large pan/dutch oven and melt butter and saute chopped onion. When onions are translucent add chopped chicken and cook for 15 minutes. Then add chicken stock, garlic and seasonings and stir. Then add all vegetables and simmer for 30 minutes or till desired to make sure that all vegetables are cooked to suit your preference. Split open your fresh Focaccia bread and heat up with a little butter to taste. Set yourself down to a delicious and satisfying meal. Relax because your nerves deserve it! Boner Appertite!   

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