Good evening! Today, I sat at the edge of the ocean, pondering the future and thanking G-d for a few good men in this country, who have unselfishly stepped into a dark breach between a narcissistic President and honoring what is the rule of law under the Constitution of the United States to protect democracy.
Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, the National Security Adviser has ousted 3 of his predecessor, Michael Flynn's security staff allies from their posts in the White House, yesterday.
Today, Special Counsel Robt. Mueller has impaneled a Washington Grand Jury in the Russia investigation. It gives hope to the world and patriotic Americans, that we are not a lost nation, unlike a damaged and crippled ship out on the open seas, depending on an incompetent and unhinged Captain for leadership.
This ship of ours, can be righted. It is not destined to permanently drift, tossing to-and-fro' navigating the depths of this globe with a warped and twisted rudder, floating through the dark stormy nights of history, without any reliable compass to point "True North".
There are innocent souls captive below deck and above deck, that discern the misguided course steered by an evil navigator, following a false star and the ship's Captain at the helm, whose own selfish and narcissistic values rebuke any good that could be entertained for the safety of all the souls aboard the charter of this ship. Our hopes remain undashed against the rocks.
Today, it appears it is the strength of character, innate and inculcated from youth to decades later, that still resonates in the hearts, minds and souls of America's unsung heroes. These passionate and honorable traits seem to drive them to work quietly behind the scenes, without fanfare or celebration.
We have unsung heroes in government, who are dedicated daily, to save us all from a totalitarian dictatorship threatening to dismantle and destroy America's democracy. If they can save democracy in America and the rule of law that guides her, then it will be those quiet patriots, who save us.
When you compare the life's work of Trump to men like Mueller, McMaster, Kelly and Comey, all highly respected and honorable people, who have selflessly served our country their entire adult lives, you can easily recognize the difference in their characters. It is night and day.
Ultimately, what is true for one man is true for all men. It is the essence of their character, that drives and directs the path of their life choices. Their character is their compass. Their convictions are reliably their "True North", that their internal compass points to daily, for better or for worse.
"Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"
"Boner Appertite!"
Magnetic Compass Needle Repair
But little do most people know that there was one other item just as important and perhaps more important than the ship's compass. It was a "Lodestone", (pronounced "Loadstone"). It was usually a piece of strong magnetite and used to remagnetize the ships compass needle because early compasses would lose the magnetic North tracking ability or magnetism because older ship compass needles never stayed permanentaly magnetized. Additionally, if the ship's compass were lost, stolen, or damaged, a simple piece of small iron bar could be magnetized and used as a make-shift compass.
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