My fat little percolator has stopped and the scent of fresh brewed magic wafts through the house. My sweet little coffee cup sits by the old white enameled stove with the big red handed clock centered at the back and between the burners. Time is fleeting! Time to be about the business of life!
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has requested that Pres. Trump not hold his rally in Phoenix next week, fearing that Phoenix could turn into the next "Charlottesville", international headline news. Mayor Stanton's fears are well founded based upon the current political climate of the President's questionable, indefensibly tepid support for the tolerance of hate speech groups like the white supremacists gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia last week.
So much is at stake in America right now. Our entire political foundation of democracy and the laws that support democracy, have been steadily eroded ever since Trump was inaugurated into office. Our government at the highest level breathes constant chaos daily. If you turn off the news even for 1 day, to catch your breathe, you have missed some important news. The Trump Presidency has engendered various levels of fear for personal safety and anxiety among ordinarily docile and peaceful citizenry, in every city in America.
It seems like it would be hard to give a sense of peace and comfort to others, when you do not possess the same admirable and calming qualities, yourself. Pres. Trump is always in the eye of the angry storm that fishtails around him, whacking everyone and every institution in striking distance of him. Trump has no constructive plans, but seems fixed on the obliteration of democracy. His destructive policies embrace the dismantling of our nation, governed by a solid foundation of laws meant to sustain the idealistic principles of our forefathers set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America, all those hundreds of years ago, to counteract hate and inequality.
What the hell has happened to the confused psyche and hearts of the American people?
It is most telling, when a small city Mayor uninvites the President of the United States to visit. Pres. Trump's incompetence and narcissism, violates the purpose and spirit of the elected office he holds and the essence of the Preamble of the Constitution, at the least!
"Lord, help us-the ordinary man and woman living in small town and main street America, through this turbulent time in our national history, to not be destroyed by an unhinged narcissistic wanna-be dictator, whose only concern is in glorifying himself." Amen.
The purpose of the speech of the Preamble:
Preamble to the United States Constitution
Phoenix mayor to President Trump: Postpone your rally
The mayor of Phoenix has a message for the president: Stay away.
President Trump is slated to be in Phoenix on Tuesday for a rally at the Phoenix Convention Center, but that isn't sitting well with mayor Greg Stanton.
"I am disappointed that President Trump has chosen to hold a campaign rally as our nation is still healing from the tragic events in Charlottesville," Stanton said in a statement Wednesday. "If President Trump is coming to Phoenix to announce a pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, then it will be clear that his true intent is to enflame tensions and further divide our nation."
Stanton bluntly said, "It is my hope that more sound judgment prevails and that he delays his visit."
But a senior campaign adviser told ABC News Wednesday night, "Barring any unforseen events between now and then, there is no chance we will delay the rally," aide said.
Stanton does acknowledge, though, that free speech prevails in this country, so Trump is free to do as he pleases.
"With regard to use of the Phoenix Convention Center for the rally: This is a public facility and open to anyone to rent, including the Trump campaign," he said. "Our Constitution protects the right to free speech, even for those we disagree with or those who don't represent the values we hold dear as a community."
"Lord, help us!"
"Boner Appertite!"
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