Sunday, October 1, 2017

When Dotard and Little Rocket Man Face-Off...

Good evening! The last few nights have been overcast and threatening rain, but nothing has happened. Everyday it seems like there are more threatening storm clouds gathering, in more ways than one.

Sadly, my expectation remains, that one day soon... when Americans have become used to seeing and hearing  small background noises begin to rumble louder, the heretofore, diplomatically manageable breach of appeasing tolerance for each other,  between North Korea and the United States, will no longer keep the chorus of bawling hounds of war, tethered.There will be an unprecedented and passionate flood of apocalyptic destruction, witnessed by the world.

What happens next, between Pres. Trump and Kim Jong Un, threatens to rip open the pus-filled, festering wound of disrespect, hate and seething anger. The unmendable destruction will shred the veil of humanity, encompassing the world. Various countries, will turn on their cable and satellite televisions to a new savage and perhaps, more malicious destruction running antiscigodlin( as my hillbilly kin would say)...crisscrossing continents. Will any one nation, be spared undeserved cataclysmic destruction, when the world is enveloped in a nuclear war, started by 2 emotionally immature, mentally and spiritually impaired narcissist ?

Perhaps, this is only the last days for some of us, till we meet Jesus, face-to-face. What will the rest of the world look like, when that happens? Who will get to live and who will die?

Trump Says Tillerson Is ‘Wasting His Time’ on North Korea

October 1, 2017
Washington Post Excerpt:

President Trump, not for the first time, publicly contradicted his chief diplomat on a major foreign policy issue Sunday, saying via Twitter that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was “wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.”
Using his nickname for North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, and apparently warning again of a U.S. military response to its escalating nuclear threat, Trump advised, “Save your energy, Rex, we’ll do what has to be done.”
                          "Good Night, Shalom and Sweet Dreams!"
                                           "Boner Appertite!"

Thursday, September 28, 2017

5 Presidents Humanitarian Work

Good morning! It's a bright clear day on the West Coast and we are still alive to tell the story. We are not in need of water, food, shelter, power or collective group emergency medical care. We are blessed NOT to need the rescue of FEMA and our government's emergency assistance, to survive one more day. The citizen's of our ocean-side state aren't perched precariously, teetering on a hillside cliff, begging for relief from the very real possibility of dying before help arrives, because of a natural disaster. My heart is sad and my prayers remember my brothers and sisters who are less fortunate this morning.

There is a beautiful uplifting effort going on right now, spearheaded by America's 5 former Presidents, called "One America Appeal". All 5 Presidents have banded together in the Christian spirit of unity, to ask for donations in disaster relief recovery for our fellow countrymen.

This is what great Presidents and extraordinary men of honor, do for their fellow citizens, when the cry comes begging for help and rescue. Their voluntary initiative for stepping up to the plate, should not be underestimated, but their examples of altruism readily emulated and imitated, by all leaders who aspire to do great things with their lives. Their example should serve as a blue print to future up and coming young politicians who will take their place as the world's leaders, because their light is the shining beacon on the hill, that will guide others, for better or for worse, in the future. 

Image result for photos of the last 5 former presidents together

                        "Thank You, Gentlemen and May G-d Bless You For Your Leadership"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "Boner Appertite!"

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trump's Katrina...His Famous Legacy Of Procrastination

Good evening! Help is coming to Puerto Rico, finally! But, only because intense media attention has focused on the catastrophic details forcing Trump and other politicians to give aid in this life-saving emergency situation! Why has it taken so long, to get help from these callous hearted politicians? Do you think if a hurricane destroyed Long Island or Manhattan, in New York, that it would have taken this long to get help from the President and Congress?

Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-New York, born in Puerto Rico, sent a letter signed by 145 Democratic members of Congress urging the President to assign a senior general, deploy the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier and increase personnel to assist local law enforcement, on Wednesday.


NBC Internet News Magazine article excerpt: 

Lawmakers Call for Military General to Oversee Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Relief

In a news release publicizing the lawmakers' letter, Velazquez noted that Trump congratulated his administration on its response to Hurricane Maria at a news conference Tuesday.
“If President Trump doesn’t swiftly deploy every available resource that our country has, then he has failed the people of Puerto Rico – and this will become his Katrina. Every second in this effort counts and the stakes are too high for further delay, inaction or inefficiency,” Velazquez stated.
Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., who serves on the House Armed Services Committee said he has been speaking to U.S. Northern Command and DOD.
“DOD is fulfilling all that FEMA has asked it to do, but I fear that FEMA doesn’t understand the full scope of what needs to be done,” he said.
At a Senate committee hearing Wednesday, acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke said there is food and water and gasoline on the island. She said search and rescue efforts are complete, so now the focus is on distributing supplies. DHS has asked the Defense Logistics Agency to help augment National Guard troops who are moving goods and gasoline. AT&T is on island to work on restoring cell service.
She said Trump's decision to waive regulations requiring Puerto Rico to match FEMA disaster relief funds has been critical to getting industry into Puerto Rico. "The electrical industry and others didn't want to go there unless they knew they were going to get paid and this has allowed us to mobilize industry to move forward."
However Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said that waiver regulation should have been done when the hurricane hit, given Puerto Rico's already crippled economy.
"Clearly from the financial status of the island, they were going to be in no position to make the match so it's unfortunate that we had to wait this long," she said.

                       "Good Night, Shalom and Sweet Dreams!"

                                         "Boner Appertite!"

Humanitarian Air Drops over Puerto Rico...

Good afternoon! I am frustrated and upset, that little to nothing is being accomplished to help our own people in Puerto Rico. Is there no one who can do anything, to execute a timely and mandatory emergency order?

Why in the Fokker, can't anyone crank up an old rotary engined cargo plane and deliver the old-fashioned air drops, that America used to do back in WWII. I do not understand the reticent behavior from Washington, D.C. politicians, to step up to the plate and strike the ball, out of the park to get humanitarian aid to our fellow countrymen!

What is wrong with the powerful politicians, who can easily legislate a mandatory humanitarian effort to save the lives of our own people? Why can't Pres. Trump issue an expedited executive order to every available armed forces department to help these Americans TODAY???

What is he waiting for? Is Trump and Congress waiting for G-d to add a humanitarian commandment to the sapphire stone tablets of Moses?

                                                 "Boner Appertite!"

P.S. I stand corrected and help is currently on the way!

CBS Internet News:

101st Airborne Division deploying to Puerto Rico as recovery effort lags

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The U.S. Army's elite 101st Airborne Division is deploying eight medevac helicopters and support personnel to Puerto Rico to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Maria as many residents remain without power and basic necessities six days after the storm. 
More than 70 service members left for the island on Wednesday, a spokesman for the 101st told CBS News. The effort is the first time the 75-year-old unit has been deployed to assist in hurricane relief.
The 101st joins thousands of military personnel being sent to assist in distributing aid to the island, where 3.4 million people lack power.
Many residents are waiting for help from anyone from the federal or Puerto Rican government. But the scope of the devastation is so broad, and the relief effort so concentrated in San Juan, that many people from outside the capital say they have received little to no help.
Only 21 of the 69 hospitals on the island have power or fuel, CBS News correspondent David Begnaud reports.
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz is frustrated with what she says is a slow response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
"They're waiting for their marching orders now. You're in an emergency. If you don't do -- hundreds of lives will be lost," she told Begnaud.
There are several thousand U.S. federal employees in Puerto Rico helping with the recovery effort. They are most visible in San Juan, where officials with FEMA, Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection have a presence at hotels that before the storm served tourists in the Condado neighborhood or at the convention center that has become a staging ground for relief efforts.
Federal workers supplied diesel to generators at hospitals and delivered desperately needed food and water to hard-hit communities across the island. They have repaired the air traffic control systems and power at the airport, which is far from normal operations with only about a dozen commercial flights per day. U.S. agents have also provided security across the island and the Coast Guard has worked with local authorities to restore the sea ports, a vital link because Puerto Rico is almost completely dependent on imports. 
In addition, teams from the Army Corps of Engineers are helping to repair the electricity grid and to inspect and look for ways to avert the collapse of a dam near the western town of Quebradillas that has developed a crack and that officials have said could potentially fail. And personnel from Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs have provided care and helped evacuate people from Puerto Rico with chronic medical conditions.
Gov. Ricardo Rossello and Resident Commissioner Jennifer Gonzalez, the island's representative in Congress, have said they intend to seek more than a billion dollars in federal assistance and they have praised the response to the disaster by President Donald Trump, who plans to visit Puerto Rico next week, as well as FEMA Administrator Brock Long. 
"I am confident that they understand the seriousness of the situation," the governor said Tuesday. 
Still, it is hard to avoid the fact that the response looks different than previous ones. After hurricanes in Louisiana, Texas and Florida, waves of power company trucks from other states descended in long convoys, something that is obviously not possible on an island 1,000 miles to the southeast of the mainland. After the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, the U.S. military sent ships and the skies seemed to be filled with heavy-lift helicopters and planes carrying emergency relief, though the scale of that disaster was far worse. 
Hurricane Maria was the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in nearly 100 years and officials say the cost of recovery will dwarf that of the punishing Hurricane Georges in 1998. Whatever the final bill, Valentin just hopes it will factor in people like her. "If FEMA helps us, we are going to build again," she said.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trump's Chides Puerto Rico Debt...

Good evening! The discouraging and demeaning response of Pres. Trump, to the pleas and cries of America's extended family, devastated under the crushing blows of Hurricane Maria's destruction in the Caribbean, was shockingly unsympathetic.

It is unconscionable, during Puerto Rico's extreme deprivation and suffering, that the President should begin criticizing and shaming the Puerto Rican territorial government and its American citizens, living there, for their problems of outstanding debt. Puerto Rico does not need to be scolded by Donald Trump, of all people, trying to teach them a monetary lesson by rubbing their faces in the dirt of their budgetary failure, on national television.

It is a matter of recorded history, that America has always come to the various forms of aid/rescue of desperate and down trodden peoples living in foreign nations, spanning the globe. Maybe, that was America's one archaic Christian virtue, that was the foundation, that made her a great nation--- compassion.

And is inconceivable that an American President would behave this way, toward his own citizen's in such a tragic time of desperate need.

America has forgiven many foreign country's debts to us or worked with them to restructure their debts, due to their inability to pay us back, without intentionally shaming those nations on cable network news outlets.

Pres. Trump's attitude came across as a condescending, indifferent and oblivious ignorance, to the degree of their prolonged and abject suffering. When humanity breaks down to the point where the President of the United States of America, can indifferently ignore the pleading voices of his suffering brother and sister's cries...begging for food, water, medicine and electricity; then we know the moral fiber of the nation at the highest level of power, is bereft of  one of the most basic qualities that a great leader can possess---compassion.

The office of the President of the United States of America is a position that is sworn to uphold the Constitution and to serve the people, who are citizens of the United States of America. Where is President Trump's compassion for his own people?


                                                          "Boner Appertite!"

Monday, September 25, 2017

Dark Sacred Nights...

Good morning! We woke up this morning to the news on MSNBC, saying that Kim Jong Un has issued a statement claiming that America has made a declaration of war against North Korea.

What happens now? This may be the last time I will post any comments, because our future looks bleak, in anticipation of the winds of war starting WWIII, with no cooler heads prevailing to intercede, stopping the insanity.

Years ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer, I was forced to think about how my life would end. I had to make some conscious decisions about what I wanted...if I didn't survive. I had to make my wishes known to my family, about how I wanted to face the end. That was a hard time. All people who are faced with their mortality, in the time of a very clear and present danger, are forced to deal with the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional substance of their existence.

For me, it was something like a dress rehearsal for meeting G-d. After a few days of quiet introspection, I decided...with G-d's help, I was going to do all that I could, to survive my diagnosis. The path to healing, was a long treacherous journey. I find myself grateful for the journey, because I am still here.

What I came to learn and intrinsically understand, was that there had to be a reason beyond existence, that I survived. It wasn't my time to return to G-d...just yet.

I know not G-d's purpose for my life, but I trust HE knows and that is enough for me. the coming days and hours of perilous times, ahead of my countrymen and my nation, I steadfastly encourage prayer for peace. I advocate to all that there is more good, than evil, in this world. We must take hold of each others hands and pray for our peacemakers and peace... if the world is to continue to survive.

I think of Louis Armstrong singing...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Trump Gives Birth After 9 Months...

Good evening! Grandpoppy and I were watching cable news, when Grandpoppy asked how long Trump's been President now? I counted and replied, "It's been 9 months now...and look what he has given birth to."

America is more divided today than the day Trump was inaugurated into office. His latest speech provoked North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Hong's warning to America and the world that Trump's irresponsible remarks have made America's mainland an "inevitable" target for rocket strikes.

Minister Hong continues to say:

"Through such a prolonged and arduous struggle, now we are finally only a few steps away from the final gate of completion of the state nuclear force," Ri told the annual gathering of world leaders in New York."

Trump is shaming ordinary, thoughtful people of America, who wish our President spoke more respectfully in a sane and maturely dignified exchange of diplomatic rhetoric. Even the diplomats and Kim Jong Un realize that there will be many innocent Americans die in a war with them.

It is upsetting, to know that our enemies whose appointed foreign diplomats, are more conscious, sensitive and prescient in their attitude, language and conduct toward the innocent citizens of America, than our own American President. INCREDIBLE!

What can ordinary people, who have no wealth, celebrity or powerful political connections do? PRAY. I believe in the power of prayer and I am glad to know that there are others, who feel that way, too!

Stevie Wonder “Takes A Knee” For America At Global Citizen Festival

CBS NEWS* September 23, 2017

NEW YORK -- Stevie Wonder knelt on stage during the Global Citizen Festival concert in New York City's Central Park, saying he is "taking a knee for America." 
Wonder asked for people to "stand down bigotry" and "condemn sexism" before kneeling down with his son, Kwane Morris.
Stevie Wonder Takes 'Both Knees' In Prayer For 'Our Future'
9/23/2017 by Shira Karsen

Stevie Wonder performs during the 48th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on April 7, 2013 in Las Vegas.
Holding onto his son Kwame Wonder, the legendary Stevie Wonder took "both knees" Saturday night at the 6th annual Global Citizen Music Fest in New York City's Central Park. “Tonight, I’m taking a knee for America,” 67-year-old Wonder declared as he knelt down. “But not just one knee. Both knees. Both knees, in prayer for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world and our globe. Amen.”
Stevie Wonder's humble act of faith in the Lord, inspires and encourages all
Christian believers to reverently bow in prayer, asking for peace... for the sake
of all mankind. 
                             "Good Night, Shalom and Sweet Dreams!"   
                                               "Boner Appertite!"

P.S. Rest in Peace, B.D.B. Your beloved memory lives on in my heart.