Good Afternoon! The searing heat today could beat down the sturdiest of physically strong constitutions, burning away any doubt that summer is here! There is a distant joyous hum of children and teenagers. There is gloriously unrestrained laughter and giggling, heard as they play and frolic in the minty/teal colored surf that pounds the Pacific shoreline. The salty, bubbling aeration continues to naturally fascinate the little ones playing at their Mothers/Grandmothers feet. All the natural sights, sounds and smells of summer are repeated again, as in the days of all the oblivious millennium before us, without notice or fanfare. Proof that everything is indeed, relative.
While the political forces that guide this nation are tasked and privileged with the duties of authority and setting the pace for the rest of America to march in lockstep with, soon there will be a real division that will split this country right down the middle. It will not matter whether Democrats, Republicans or Independent political parties endorse/decry the new Trumpcare bill. If it passes the senate, it will be the law and we... the nameless, faceless, unheard citizens of the mightiest, democratic country on earth, will die ignored. It will reduce all Americans to the same meaningless lives sacrificed at will, by the totalitarian and autocratic dictatorships around the world. There will be no difference, in our governance or the leaders who govern us. .
This serious fracture in the support of the Trumpcare law, if passed, will be the albatross of the Trump Administration for the history books! What is more, is that history will record this callous and dastardly deed perpetrated by the men of the Republican party, whose names will not be forgotten by voters or history.
There is a feeble argument that Republicans use to lead all rebuttals, saying that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits are a right given to all American citizens. It is not a right or entitlement, tax paying American citizens receive Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, paid out of the funds they have paid for and been paying into all of their working life through paycheck deductions! If the people who have spent their working life have FICA deducted from their paychecks to fund the benefits, now teetering on the brink of repeal, taken away and denied to them, when they need their governmental dollars at work for them desperately,... then pay it back to them. Make it a taxpayers refund!!! If the price deducted from American paychecks are too little then, maybe the GAO or some department, should have made Congress wise to it. Congress would have the proper responsibility to increase the amount of paycheck deductions to cover the benefits. Everyone in America understands that "creative accounting" and "creative financing" to pay bills will be the lead weight that will drag individuals and businesses under, we know the United States government's accounting is no exception to the rule. Whose fault is that???
When I purchase a product in the marketplace, that gets recalled for whatever reason, the manufacturers always give a refund that makes it right. I am not forced to lose all my money that was paid for the product when I am forced to return it. The manufacturer stands prepared to make my loss whole with fair/equitable compensation. How is that different from this situation?
How can our tax paid government representatives pass a law that gives every American tax payer the shaft, just to make a quick and careless solution. That is NOT a win for the Republican party. Cheating American citizens out of health care benefits they have already paid for, paid out of every paycheck FICA tax deductions, all past, present and no doubt... future, honestly stiffs everyone.
If this evil/despicable bill passes... I want my money back!!! So will every tax paying American citizen...count on it!
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