Independence Day, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. *******************************************************************************************
Good evening! It's been another beautiful day by the ocean. The coming 4th. of July weekend boast the spectacular fireworks celebrating America's Independence Day, observed from the foothills of Southern California westward. Our joyous celebrations that unite every American's patriotism, serve to remind us of the privilege and responsibility, citizens must personally bear to protect the future of our democracy's independence, Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
We live in a time when our personal responsibility to preserve and protect our Constitution that guarantees our independence from foreign control and our American bill of rights, are no less at stake, than they were July 4th., 1776. We are now charged to guard our democracy with an even greater resolve, from the threat of our democracy being transformed into a twisted autocracy, used against the citizens of our country.
It is reported today that there are 27 states openly defying Trump's voter fraud probe because they have been commanded to divulge private citizen's information, including every voter's last 4 social security numbers. Trump's people say they are merely asking for publicly available information.
To my knowledge, me and Grandpoppy's social security numbers are not public information available to anyone who wants it. Thank G-d there are some common sense states with prudent politicians in authority, who are defying this abuse of power to obtain their citizen's private information. If it is no big deal, then why doesn't the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and every politician in Washington D.C. offer up their social security number first! It seems rather odd, that if this informational demand was really asking for publicly available information, then the President's voter fraud probe investigatory commission should have no problem getting that information, without forced suggestion or intimidating coercion of state authorities .
There is a reason Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Sarah Huckabee, Kelly Anne Conway, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer, security numbers are private just like their home phone numbers. When their private social security numbers become available for public disclosure first, then I won't complain or have any problem with the same publicly available disclosure. Why doesn't Donald Trump and Mike Pence begin, by setting the example as proof, if there is no problem with a public disclosure?
To commonly quote elementary school children yelling the age-old dare on the playground, "YOU FIRST!"
"Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"
"Boner Appertite!"
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