Independence Day, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. *******************************************************************************************
Good evening! It's been another beautiful day by the ocean. The coming 4th. of July weekend boast the spectacular fireworks celebrating America's Independence Day, observed from the foothills of Southern California westward. Our joyous celebrations that unite every American's patriotism, serve to remind us of the privilege and responsibility, citizens must personally bear to protect the future of our democracy's independence, Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
We live in a time when our personal responsibility to preserve and protect our Constitution that guarantees our independence from foreign control and our American bill of rights, are no less at stake, than they were July 4th., 1776. We are now charged to guard our democracy with an even greater resolve, from the threat of our democracy being transformed into a twisted autocracy, used against the citizens of our country.
It is reported today that there are 27 states openly defying Trump's voter fraud probe because they have been commanded to divulge private citizen's information, including every voter's last 4 social security numbers. Trump's people say they are merely asking for publicly available information.
To my knowledge, me and Grandpoppy's social security numbers are not public information available to anyone who wants it. Thank G-d there are some common sense states with prudent politicians in authority, who are defying this abuse of power to obtain their citizen's private information. If it is no big deal, then why doesn't the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and every politician in Washington D.C. offer up their social security number first! It seems rather odd, that if this informational demand was really asking for publicly available information, then the President's voter fraud probe investigatory commission should have no problem getting that information, without forced suggestion or intimidating coercion of state authorities .
There is a reason Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Sarah Huckabee, Kelly Anne Conway, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer, security numbers are private just like their home phone numbers. When their private social security numbers become available for public disclosure first, then I won't complain or have any problem with the same publicly available disclosure. Why doesn't Donald Trump and Mike Pence begin, by setting the example as proof, if there is no problem with a public disclosure?
To commonly quote elementary school children yelling the age-old dare on the playground, "YOU FIRST!"
"Good Night and Sweet Dreams!"
"Boner Appertite!"
Friday, June 30, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Jerry Brown's CELO Act...
Good afternoon! It's a bright and beautiful day charmed by the ceaseless crash of ocean waves and giggling children at play.
I was reminded today, that there is an important question that will eventually touch everyone in California and the nation, during their lifetime. The uncertainty of the answer is universal and eternal, for as long as mankind lives on this earth. The query will be of an either "up close and personal" question, you face about your own healthcare or the healthcare of someone you know and love.
The CELO Act, which became law on June 9th., 2016 let's California residents choose how they will spend the final moments of their life, without any legal backlash affecting their loved ones or anyone remotely associated in their decision.
There have been several media outlets today that have made commentaries and asked the polled question about choosing euthanasia. I have my own story.
On the 3rd. day following my first chemo treatment for breast cancer, I knew why most cancer patients looked like 3rd. world famine victims. I called my sister, after puking non-stop for days. She had miraculously survived cancer twice! My first words into the phone were, "How did you do it?" I couldn't imagine spending the next 13 months surviving the cancer cure of chemo daily. (Which actually turned out to last 18 months.) I continued to say, "It's only been 3 days and I don't want anymore chemo." I told her, "I am so sick, I don't have the strength to walk to the bed. I'd have to crawl to get there, I've been sleeping on the floor next to the toilet." Literally. Again, I asked her, "How did you get through it?" There was a moment of silence and she responded... "Hour by hour."
She continued, "You have to find a place inside your soul, that is either at peace with dying or strong enough, that it won't accept letting you die."
She said, "If you want to live...then you fight!" I heard her weeping and she said, "I don't want you to die. I love you Sis." My big sister was the strong one. When we were children and I would cry about something, she would smack me and tell me not to be a baby. She never cried, even at our Mother's funeral.
I told her I would try to keep taking the chemo treatments. My husband forced me to go to the next chemo treatment. I told my oncologist how hard this had been for me. I told him I wasn't sure I could continue my chemo treatments. He adjusted my chemo cocktail and gave me alot of anti-nausea and pain killing drugs to help me.
Every Friday morning, when I walked into the chemo lab I got depressed looking at all the other cancer patients lying in the beige vinyl recliners curled up into the fetal position. If you want to know what death looks like, spend some time in a cancer chemo lab. The invisible emotional vibes from the other dying patients, made me want to cry, every time I went there. They all looked up and over to the door every time they heard it open. There was one collective look on the faces of every cancer patient lying in a recliner with their caustic bags of poison hanging above their heads. I read that look on their collective faces asking, "Are you going to make it?"
After months of the same routine, I had become used to the scary non-verbal inquiries. Oddly, against my best philosophical and cognitive resolve, to seem unconcerned and apathetic to people who entered the lab through the notoriously squeaking door, my basic human instincts took over. One day, I found myself sitting in my chosen beige recliner, also looking at the door when I heard it squeak to open.
The next time I arrived at my chemo treatment, my oncologist told me that I had lost 30 pounds and prescribed some drugs to help me eat and an antidepressant. I was going through alot of agonizing internal self-examination, family relationship difficulties and financial disruption, in addition to all the physical distress.
It was indeed, a time that tried my mind, body and soul. When you are in the throes of making fast, hard decisions about a future you can only see with a bleary eyed perception, it truly makes you re-evaluate everything past, present and future in your life. It forces you to let go of some long-held beliefs and people in your life, as well as, providing new opportunities and challenges to embrace the unknown.
The question of euthanasia, has been a long-time, well-worn pre-ponderance from the men of low estate up to the greatest minds in modern history. What bothers me most, is the conceited arrogance of some people who deem themselves the qualified deciders of how the whole world should embrace that most personal, private and final act of dying.
Because I have survived breast cancer, I believe I am my most qualified authority to determine my last wishes. I believe I have the right to determine whether euthanasia is what I want to do in the last moments of my life. I believe every person who is suffering from a terminal disease, has the right to choose, whether they will languish in a horrific matrix of inextricable pain and suffering or find release and relief from it. It remains my personal belief, that the decision is a question best answered in Holy prayer, between you and G-d.
My oncologist told me and my husband at my first chemotherapy consultation, that if I chose to skip chemotherapy, he judged that I had a 15% chance of living without it. He also said that if I decided to embark on this journey of healing, that I had an 85% chance of survival. In the end, for me, I was glad to have the option and immediately began the most difficult and powerful journey of my life.
Because I have survived breast cancer, I believe it is a deeply sacred and somber personal decision between you and G-d. When you are facing the diagnosis of death by this disease, you think about ending it, on your terms. I can tell you that my personal belief is that this decision, is a question best answered in Holy prayer, between you and G-d. Talk to HIM.
When it comes to laws and disassociated community opinions of other people, who have never experienced cancer or terminal illness of any kind, telling you what you can and cannot do with your body and the end of your life- those laws and opinions become meaningless to you. When you are faced with the decision of naturally dying slow with all the pain/suffering guaranteed in those final moments, before your journey is finished or ending your suffering on your own terms, no one else should have the right to make a determination against your last wishes.
What is the ONE thing my personal battle with cancer taught me?
That you will not know for 100% certain, what you will think, say, do or choose, until YOU are the one dying. The legal right to endure/not to endure through the pain/suffering of a terminal illness, is and should only be, your choice. There should be no room in a discussion about carrying out this most profound act as an end to the human experience, by a sanitized and legislated majority vote enacted into law. No one else's edict should count, but your own prayerfully well-considered opinion!
p.s. "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!" and "Boner Appertite!"
I was reminded today, that there is an important question that will eventually touch everyone in California and the nation, during their lifetime. The uncertainty of the answer is universal and eternal, for as long as mankind lives on this earth. The query will be of an either "up close and personal" question, you face about your own healthcare or the healthcare of someone you know and love.
The CELO Act, which became law on June 9th., 2016 let's California residents choose how they will spend the final moments of their life, without any legal backlash affecting their loved ones or anyone remotely associated in their decision.
There have been several media outlets today that have made commentaries and asked the polled question about choosing euthanasia. I have my own story.
On the 3rd. day following my first chemo treatment for breast cancer, I knew why most cancer patients looked like 3rd. world famine victims. I called my sister, after puking non-stop for days. She had miraculously survived cancer twice! My first words into the phone were, "How did you do it?" I couldn't imagine spending the next 13 months surviving the cancer cure of chemo daily. (Which actually turned out to last 18 months.) I continued to say, "It's only been 3 days and I don't want anymore chemo." I told her, "I am so sick, I don't have the strength to walk to the bed. I'd have to crawl to get there, I've been sleeping on the floor next to the toilet." Literally. Again, I asked her, "How did you get through it?" There was a moment of silence and she responded... "Hour by hour."
She continued, "You have to find a place inside your soul, that is either at peace with dying or strong enough, that it won't accept letting you die."
She said, "If you want to live...then you fight!" I heard her weeping and she said, "I don't want you to die. I love you Sis." My big sister was the strong one. When we were children and I would cry about something, she would smack me and tell me not to be a baby. She never cried, even at our Mother's funeral.
I told her I would try to keep taking the chemo treatments. My husband forced me to go to the next chemo treatment. I told my oncologist how hard this had been for me. I told him I wasn't sure I could continue my chemo treatments. He adjusted my chemo cocktail and gave me alot of anti-nausea and pain killing drugs to help me.
Every Friday morning, when I walked into the chemo lab I got depressed looking at all the other cancer patients lying in the beige vinyl recliners curled up into the fetal position. If you want to know what death looks like, spend some time in a cancer chemo lab. The invisible emotional vibes from the other dying patients, made me want to cry, every time I went there. They all looked up and over to the door every time they heard it open. There was one collective look on the faces of every cancer patient lying in a recliner with their caustic bags of poison hanging above their heads. I read that look on their collective faces asking, "Are you going to make it?"
After months of the same routine, I had become used to the scary non-verbal inquiries. Oddly, against my best philosophical and cognitive resolve, to seem unconcerned and apathetic to people who entered the lab through the notoriously squeaking door, my basic human instincts took over. One day, I found myself sitting in my chosen beige recliner, also looking at the door when I heard it squeak to open.
The next time I arrived at my chemo treatment, my oncologist told me that I had lost 30 pounds and prescribed some drugs to help me eat and an antidepressant. I was going through alot of agonizing internal self-examination, family relationship difficulties and financial disruption, in addition to all the physical distress.
It was indeed, a time that tried my mind, body and soul. When you are in the throes of making fast, hard decisions about a future you can only see with a bleary eyed perception, it truly makes you re-evaluate everything past, present and future in your life. It forces you to let go of some long-held beliefs and people in your life, as well as, providing new opportunities and challenges to embrace the unknown.
The question of euthanasia, has been a long-time, well-worn pre-ponderance from the men of low estate up to the greatest minds in modern history. What bothers me most, is the conceited arrogance of some people who deem themselves the qualified deciders of how the whole world should embrace that most personal, private and final act of dying.
Because I have survived breast cancer, I believe I am my most qualified authority to determine my last wishes. I believe I have the right to determine whether euthanasia is what I want to do in the last moments of my life. I believe every person who is suffering from a terminal disease, has the right to choose, whether they will languish in a horrific matrix of inextricable pain and suffering or find release and relief from it. It remains my personal belief, that the decision is a question best answered in Holy prayer, between you and G-d.
My oncologist told me and my husband at my first chemotherapy consultation, that if I chose to skip chemotherapy, he judged that I had a 15% chance of living without it. He also said that if I decided to embark on this journey of healing, that I had an 85% chance of survival. In the end, for me, I was glad to have the option and immediately began the most difficult and powerful journey of my life.
Because I have survived breast cancer, I believe it is a deeply sacred and somber personal decision between you and G-d. When you are facing the diagnosis of death by this disease, you think about ending it, on your terms. I can tell you that my personal belief is that this decision, is a question best answered in Holy prayer, between you and G-d. Talk to HIM.
When it comes to laws and disassociated community opinions of other people, who have never experienced cancer or terminal illness of any kind, telling you what you can and cannot do with your body and the end of your life- those laws and opinions become meaningless to you. When you are faced with the decision of naturally dying slow with all the pain/suffering guaranteed in those final moments, before your journey is finished or ending your suffering on your own terms, no one else should have the right to make a determination against your last wishes.
What is the ONE thing my personal battle with cancer taught me?
That you will not know for 100% certain, what you will think, say, do or choose, until YOU are the one dying. The legal right to endure/not to endure through the pain/suffering of a terminal illness, is and should only be, your choice. There should be no room in a discussion about carrying out this most profound act as an end to the human experience, by a sanitized and legislated majority vote enacted into law. No one else's edict should count, but your own prayerfully well-considered opinion!
p.s. "Good Night and Sweet Dreams!" and "Boner Appertite!"
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Good morning! The day has started out hazy and overcast. It has tainted the glory of the memory of a beautifully starry night, illuminated by the glowing crescent moon hanging high overhead last night.
My Grandson spent the night with Grandma and Grandpoppy. We decided to spend the night lying in the old sleeping bags with the thick cotton quilted batting. We gazed in awe, mesmerized by the magnificence of G-d's heavenly handiwork. The profound experience shared by me and my curious young Grandson, in this moment, felt priceless. We spent the next few hours peering through the lens of my antique Navy issued binoculars, as we consumed handfuls of buttery popcorn, pondering questions about the universe, as did the men of old, under the stars.
Morning coffee has been brewed and served at the round golden oak table in Granny's little kitchen. Grandpoppy and I have been discussing the usual politics in Washington, D.C. headlining the news.
It only seems logical that Republican Leader of the Senate from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell would be well-advised to make attempts to unite the Republicans and Democratic party for the welfare of the citizens of the United States of America.
The political divide appears to be more a matter of Republican party ego, refusing to work in concert with the Democrats to achieve a successful conclusion, to the most vexing problem of our lifetime in America.
All Americans could celebrate in a bill that claims a legitimate bipartisan effort that introduces and enacts a law, that successfully addresses the needs of the ordinary American. Currently there are many Democratic senators, such as Washington State Sen. Patty Murray, who have repeatedly begged to work with the Republican party to forge an acceptable bill that will encompass and attend to the important concerns and needs pressing down Americans. So far, it appears that there is no lack of demonstrated willingness to work together, only stubborn opposition to share in the glory of success, if it can be reached.
Why can't the Republican leaders realize that if they work together on this legislation, they can produce a quality planned bill of crucial importance, that answers one of the most difficult issues on record in American history. A bill that cares for the needs of its people and their desperate plights, just like the varied helps for the American people, that Franklin Delano Roosevelt conceived, introduced and enacted into recorded national and world history That achievement would result in a real WIN for everyone and its architects revered. A little something for everyone!
Americans would love to see Congress work together as a bipartisan effort to solve this problem. If they can forge a new bill that does this for the good of the American people, it will be touted as the greatest "2FER", Congress ever created!
"Boner Appertite!"
My Grandson spent the night with Grandma and Grandpoppy. We decided to spend the night lying in the old sleeping bags with the thick cotton quilted batting. We gazed in awe, mesmerized by the magnificence of G-d's heavenly handiwork. The profound experience shared by me and my curious young Grandson, in this moment, felt priceless. We spent the next few hours peering through the lens of my antique Navy issued binoculars, as we consumed handfuls of buttery popcorn, pondering questions about the universe, as did the men of old, under the stars.
Morning coffee has been brewed and served at the round golden oak table in Granny's little kitchen. Grandpoppy and I have been discussing the usual politics in Washington, D.C. headlining the news.
It only seems logical that Republican Leader of the Senate from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell would be well-advised to make attempts to unite the Republicans and Democratic party for the welfare of the citizens of the United States of America.
The political divide appears to be more a matter of Republican party ego, refusing to work in concert with the Democrats to achieve a successful conclusion, to the most vexing problem of our lifetime in America.
All Americans could celebrate in a bill that claims a legitimate bipartisan effort that introduces and enacts a law, that successfully addresses the needs of the ordinary American. Currently there are many Democratic senators, such as Washington State Sen. Patty Murray, who have repeatedly begged to work with the Republican party to forge an acceptable bill that will encompass and attend to the important concerns and needs pressing down Americans. So far, it appears that there is no lack of demonstrated willingness to work together, only stubborn opposition to share in the glory of success, if it can be reached.
Why can't the Republican leaders realize that if they work together on this legislation, they can produce a quality planned bill of crucial importance, that answers one of the most difficult issues on record in American history. A bill that cares for the needs of its people and their desperate plights, just like the varied helps for the American people, that Franklin Delano Roosevelt conceived, introduced and enacted into recorded national and world history That achievement would result in a real WIN for everyone and its architects revered. A little something for everyone!
Americans would love to see Congress work together as a bipartisan effort to solve this problem. If they can forge a new bill that does this for the good of the American people, it will be touted as the greatest "2FER", Congress ever created!
"Boner Appertite!"
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The Secret To Republican Success... Repair Obamacare
Good morning! There is so much discussion presently filling the news airwaves about the new Trumpcare bill. There is a great divide among the political machine in Washington D.C.and the American citizenry.
There is a real and viable bill that can answer this great debate, titled "REPAIR OBAMACARE". After that, make all necessary changes with a heart that will make all American citizens a priority over politics. Our elected government officials have been charged with a public mandate to write a new Trumpcare bill that "cares for our citizens."
If the Republican party makes the right choice and chooses to care more for it's citizens, than for their selfish agendas, the Republican party will have a win worth bragging about for the books! Stop all the outrageous and futile "repeal" bill rhetoric and focus on listening to your broad American tax payer demand to "REPAIR" it.
"Boner Appertite!"
There is a real and viable bill that can answer this great debate, titled "REPAIR OBAMACARE". After that, make all necessary changes with a heart that will make all American citizens a priority over politics. Our elected government officials have been charged with a public mandate to write a new Trumpcare bill that "cares for our citizens."
If the Republican party makes the right choice and chooses to care more for it's citizens, than for their selfish agendas, the Republican party will have a win worth bragging about for the books! Stop all the outrageous and futile "repeal" bill rhetoric and focus on listening to your broad American tax payer demand to "REPAIR" it.
"Boner Appertite!"
Monday, June 26, 2017
Republican Medicaid Fraud
Good Afternoon! The searing heat today could beat down the sturdiest of physically strong constitutions, burning away any doubt that summer is here! There is a distant joyous hum of children and teenagers. There is gloriously unrestrained laughter and giggling, heard as they play and frolic in the minty/teal colored surf that pounds the Pacific shoreline. The salty, bubbling aeration continues to naturally fascinate the little ones playing at their Mothers/Grandmothers feet. All the natural sights, sounds and smells of summer are repeated again, as in the days of all the oblivious millennium before us, without notice or fanfare. Proof that everything is indeed, relative.
While the political forces that guide this nation are tasked and privileged with the duties of authority and setting the pace for the rest of America to march in lockstep with, soon there will be a real division that will split this country right down the middle. It will not matter whether Democrats, Republicans or Independent political parties endorse/decry the new Trumpcare bill. If it passes the senate, it will be the law and we... the nameless, faceless, unheard citizens of the mightiest, democratic country on earth, will die ignored. It will reduce all Americans to the same meaningless lives sacrificed at will, by the totalitarian and autocratic dictatorships around the world. There will be no difference, in our governance or the leaders who govern us. .
This serious fracture in the support of the Trumpcare law, if passed, will be the albatross of the Trump Administration for the history books! What is more, is that history will record this callous and dastardly deed perpetrated by the men of the Republican party, whose names will not be forgotten by voters or history.
There is a feeble argument that Republicans use to lead all rebuttals, saying that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits are a right given to all American citizens. It is not a right or entitlement, tax paying American citizens receive Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, paid out of the funds they have paid for and been paying into all of their working life through paycheck deductions! If the people who have spent their working life have FICA deducted from their paychecks to fund the benefits, now teetering on the brink of repeal, taken away and denied to them, when they need their governmental dollars at work for them desperately,... then pay it back to them. Make it a taxpayers refund!!! If the price deducted from American paychecks are too little then, maybe the GAO or some department, should have made Congress wise to it. Congress would have the proper responsibility to increase the amount of paycheck deductions to cover the benefits. Everyone in America understands that "creative accounting" and "creative financing" to pay bills will be the lead weight that will drag individuals and businesses under, we know the United States government's accounting is no exception to the rule. Whose fault is that???
When I purchase a product in the marketplace, that gets recalled for whatever reason, the manufacturers always give a refund that makes it right. I am not forced to lose all my money that was paid for the product when I am forced to return it. The manufacturer stands prepared to make my loss whole with fair/equitable compensation. How is that different from this situation?
How can our tax paid government representatives pass a law that gives every American tax payer the shaft, just to make a quick and careless solution. That is NOT a win for the Republican party. Cheating American citizens out of health care benefits they have already paid for, paid out of every paycheck FICA tax deductions, all past, present and no doubt... future, honestly stiffs everyone.
If this evil/despicable bill passes... I want my money back!!! So will every tax paying American citizen...count on it!
While the political forces that guide this nation are tasked and privileged with the duties of authority and setting the pace for the rest of America to march in lockstep with, soon there will be a real division that will split this country right down the middle. It will not matter whether Democrats, Republicans or Independent political parties endorse/decry the new Trumpcare bill. If it passes the senate, it will be the law and we... the nameless, faceless, unheard citizens of the mightiest, democratic country on earth, will die ignored. It will reduce all Americans to the same meaningless lives sacrificed at will, by the totalitarian and autocratic dictatorships around the world. There will be no difference, in our governance or the leaders who govern us. .
This serious fracture in the support of the Trumpcare law, if passed, will be the albatross of the Trump Administration for the history books! What is more, is that history will record this callous and dastardly deed perpetrated by the men of the Republican party, whose names will not be forgotten by voters or history.
There is a feeble argument that Republicans use to lead all rebuttals, saying that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits are a right given to all American citizens. It is not a right or entitlement, tax paying American citizens receive Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, paid out of the funds they have paid for and been paying into all of their working life through paycheck deductions! If the people who have spent their working life have FICA deducted from their paychecks to fund the benefits, now teetering on the brink of repeal, taken away and denied to them, when they need their governmental dollars at work for them desperately,... then pay it back to them. Make it a taxpayers refund!!! If the price deducted from American paychecks are too little then, maybe the GAO or some department, should have made Congress wise to it. Congress would have the proper responsibility to increase the amount of paycheck deductions to cover the benefits. Everyone in America understands that "creative accounting" and "creative financing" to pay bills will be the lead weight that will drag individuals and businesses under, we know the United States government's accounting is no exception to the rule. Whose fault is that???
When I purchase a product in the marketplace, that gets recalled for whatever reason, the manufacturers always give a refund that makes it right. I am not forced to lose all my money that was paid for the product when I am forced to return it. The manufacturer stands prepared to make my loss whole with fair/equitable compensation. How is that different from this situation?
How can our tax paid government representatives pass a law that gives every American tax payer the shaft, just to make a quick and careless solution. That is NOT a win for the Republican party. Cheating American citizens out of health care benefits they have already paid for, paid out of every paycheck FICA tax deductions, all past, present and no doubt... future, honestly stiffs everyone.
If this evil/despicable bill passes... I want my money back!!! So will every tax paying American citizen...count on it!
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Court Stenographers Wanted...
Bona Sera! The veil of a blue velvet night harbors tiny dots of white twinkling light in the distant stratosphere. We live in a world where so many things change daily and few things in this life can be counted upon for stability and certain security. Often, we look to the dimly lit heavens, where the pagan moon is constantly keeping its promise in the pale shadow of another day, as the world passes away into obscurity by limited earthly understanding and myopic vision .
I am bothered by the news of Trump's historical "press blackout". It is a significant change.
It is profoundly significant in the way, it is changing democracy forever, in America. This change, whether engineered by his scholarly attorneys or the Rasputinian Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, contains a profound question with a most disturbing array of answers. The few genuine answers that fit the facts, are neither comforting, nor suppose any positive outcomes.
My great fear is that Trump is using this technique to squelch/bar any instant replays on film, that might dispute his version of the truth and engender his aversion of the truth. It may even be an attempt to leave enough wiggle room later, to change the color of the truth and re-invent an "alternative history". An unreal truth that serves to revise, destroy, obliterate or hide the real intentions of his message upon blunt reflection. No doubt, it absolutely eliminates the 3 second sound bite, for the record.
We know Trump has had legal counsel to quit tweeting and curtail all additional unapproved and impromptu conversations. We can guess that it is more than likely, he has also been legally advised to quit allowing any filmed coverage of his messages, (avoiding legally self-incriminating statements) from the record, unless tightly scripted by teleprompters. I would suggest that the news outlets hire a few well-seasoned and highly qualified court stenographers to record all future White House press corp briefings, working in concert, with the courtroom artists they now employ.
Trump indulges his petulant playground impulses of "slinging mud" and "throwing shade", at former Pres. Obama's policies and administration, as often as possible. However, in a loosely re-iterated phrase that Pres. Obama repeated, he perfectly and appropriately described and encapsulated the legacy of Trump's Administration, he will leave behind for history on American life. Pres. Obama said, "Americans have elected the President they deserve." Or maybe he said, "Americans deserve the President they elected"... either way, Pres. Obama said a mouthful!
"Good Night" and "Sweet Dreams" "Boner Appertite"
I am bothered by the news of Trump's historical "press blackout". It is a significant change.
It is profoundly significant in the way, it is changing democracy forever, in America. This change, whether engineered by his scholarly attorneys or the Rasputinian Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, contains a profound question with a most disturbing array of answers. The few genuine answers that fit the facts, are neither comforting, nor suppose any positive outcomes.
My great fear is that Trump is using this technique to squelch/bar any instant replays on film, that might dispute his version of the truth and engender his aversion of the truth. It may even be an attempt to leave enough wiggle room later, to change the color of the truth and re-invent an "alternative history". An unreal truth that serves to revise, destroy, obliterate or hide the real intentions of his message upon blunt reflection. No doubt, it absolutely eliminates the 3 second sound bite, for the record.
We know Trump has had legal counsel to quit tweeting and curtail all additional unapproved and impromptu conversations. We can guess that it is more than likely, he has also been legally advised to quit allowing any filmed coverage of his messages, (avoiding legally self-incriminating statements) from the record, unless tightly scripted by teleprompters. I would suggest that the news outlets hire a few well-seasoned and highly qualified court stenographers to record all future White House press corp briefings, working in concert, with the courtroom artists they now employ.
Trump indulges his petulant playground impulses of "slinging mud" and "throwing shade", at former Pres. Obama's policies and administration, as often as possible. However, in a loosely re-iterated phrase that Pres. Obama repeated, he perfectly and appropriately described and encapsulated the legacy of Trump's Administration, he will leave behind for history on American life. Pres. Obama said, "Americans have elected the President they deserve." Or maybe he said, "Americans deserve the President they elected"... either way, Pres. Obama said a mouthful!
"Good Night" and "Sweet Dreams" "Boner Appertite"
Friday, June 23, 2017
The Democratic Party's Lesson About John Ossoff's Loss
Good Morning! I am compelled to write about the Democratic loss John Ossoff sustained in the Georgia election. Democratic supporters say they cannot understand why he lost the election, after pouring so much money into the efforts to change the face of politics as usual, in Georgia. Baloney! It remains as evidence to underscore the facts that the Democratic party in America must make a big change to beat the established conservative party, that all scared middle American voters run to for the safety they seek.
The great changes must be made in 3 major ways. The winning candidate must be:
#1) young
#2) male with a clean, fresh-faced boy scout demeanor
#3) no personal baggage to trip over in the hot spotlight of media glare
The greatest message any candidate must build his Democratic party's political foundation and platform upon, must be:
The candidate must address the great issues that challenge our nation's stability and prosperity:
#1) Jobs
#2) Healthcare
#3) Taxes
#4) National Defense
#5) Individual Government Subsidized/Tax Deductions for State Accredited College/University Educations
If the Democratic party will focus on introducing this candidate to middle America's voters, they can retrieve the lost promise of restoring power back to the long-ignored taxpayers, resulting in an overwhelming WIN for the Democratic party.
The middle American taxpayer want their issues to be central in the process of political governance working in Washington, D.C. and not just used as a political vehicle for ambitious politicians to rise to power or increase their existing political currencies. In short, middle Americans want their issues heard and given real credence!
If the Democratic party leaders do these things their money will not be wasted.
"Boner Appertite!"
The great changes must be made in 3 major ways. The winning candidate must be:
#1) young
#2) male with a clean, fresh-faced boy scout demeanor
#3) no personal baggage to trip over in the hot spotlight of media glare
The greatest message any candidate must build his Democratic party's political foundation and platform upon, must be:
The candidate must address the great issues that challenge our nation's stability and prosperity:
#1) Jobs
#2) Healthcare
#3) Taxes
#4) National Defense
#5) Individual Government Subsidized/Tax Deductions for State Accredited College/University Educations
If the Democratic party will focus on introducing this candidate to middle America's voters, they can retrieve the lost promise of restoring power back to the long-ignored taxpayers, resulting in an overwhelming WIN for the Democratic party.
The middle American taxpayer want their issues to be central in the process of political governance working in Washington, D.C. and not just used as a political vehicle for ambitious politicians to rise to power or increase their existing political currencies. In short, middle Americans want their issues heard and given real credence!
If the Democratic party leaders do these things their money will not be wasted.
"Boner Appertite!"
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